Disgruntled executive felt tapped and skeptical of career coaching: Success Story #105 Through career coaching he attracted numerous more enjoyable and much better paying positions.

Post on: 2 years ago

One 39-year-old IT executive found himself in a very high-paying job, but he was very unhappy. He had gone to several recruiters to investigate other possible jobs, only to discover the depressing nature of the IT industry and that he was considered “lucky” to have such a high-paying and secure executive-level position. But, his frustrations continued to rise.

He approached TCC with considerable skepticism to learn about this new (to him) “coaching thing.” He was also very suspicious about having a coach focus entirely on him and what he wanted, rather than focusing on finding “executive-level” jobs for him. But when he was asked what “executive-level” job he really wanted, he couldn’t even begin to describe it. He realized that he had been chasing the elusive rainbow.

He engaged a TCC coach to assist him to discover and get an “executive level” position that he would love to do. He was even willing to take a 10% cut in salary to do so. He gave the “coaching thing” his 100% effort. He figured that he would use his coach to determine what he really wanted in a new position, and then he would return to the headhunters to get the right one. After all, he reasoned, “how could a coach assist him to get an executive-level position?”

After three months of coaching, without using any headhunters, he had two job offers for the special “executive-level” positions he and his coach discovered to be his ideal position. He chose to accept a 50% Increase in compensation for the position he selected.